A Tribute to a Fellow Monkey, Miles Austrevich

Heroes are everywhere. They are the teachers, doctors & nurses, first responders, soldiers, and many more. Today however, I want to recognize a less well-known hero and friend, Miles Austrevich. His resiliency and positive attitude toward his grave situation is an example to us all. Miles graduated from Northside College Prep, the school I now attend, in 2011. He had enrolled in Yale University, but was unable to attend due to his illness. After a valiant four-year battle, he passed on the afternoon of December 23rd, 2012.

I first met Miles over this summer, while working on the Jokes4Miles project. Jokes4Miles is a nonprofit that is dedicated to providing children facing cancer and other serious diseases with jokes and well-wishes. As they say, “Humor is the best medicine.” I joined Jokes4Miles as a volunteer in May 2012, starting with meeting Len, Miles’ dad, at a joke-a-thon hosted at my school. We discussed ways to utilize social media in helping to spread Jokes4Miles, listening to input from Mr. Solin, a Computer Science teacher at my school. I soon became excited about the project, and wanted to employ my technology skill towards helping Miles.

Since that first meeting in late May, I have been doing what I can towards furthering the mission of Jokes4Miles. I have met many great people - Miles’ dedicated father Len, his superb right-hand man Jeremy Caplan, as well as the long list of volunteers that have sacrificed their time and effort towards this cause. Meanwhile, Miles continued to push forward, maintaining discipline but always willing to laugh at a corny joke. I still do not understand the amount of willpower needed to carry this out.

My encounter with cancer is far closer than many think. I can understand the sadness that comes from losing a loved one to it. For, though I wish this was not true, I have lost my own mom to breast cancer. After a brave two-year fight, she passed in July 2006. Left are myself, my dad, and my younger sister - our bond made stronger by this long struggle towards a cure. I understand what the family is facing, and I ask: Let us not mourn the loss, but instead celebrate all that Miles has done for his family, his friends, the many kids Jokes4Miles is helping, and all that have came into contact with him or his efforts. Both my mom and Miles were valiant warriors, selfless in nature, and their lives should be celebrated rather than mourned.

Gazing into the future, I see great potential for Jokes4Miles - though it is dedicated to Miles, it’s mission is to help other families in need. As Miles said, “We should do this for the other kids.” With this in mind, I look forward to continue this mission, using the power of humor and the reach of the Internet to keep those ill kids’ spirits high. I live by the Golden Rule, and want all kids to receive the same humorous support that Miles did, in their times of need.

Thank you Miles for living your life to the fullest in spite of all your were up against. You are a superb role-model and I will greatly miss your presence.

You shall live on, great king.
— Code Monkey Eric

I urge you to read the letter by Miles’ dad on the passing of his amazing son.

Please keep Miles’ and his family in your thoughts and prayers this Christmas Eve. Leave your comments on the Jokes4Miles website at www.jokes4miles.com/guestbook.


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