Books in a Digital Age

Technology has revolutionized our world. Of course this means it has impacted our daily lives as well. For many people, books and reading in general are leisure activities that can be taken on at any time of day. In this digital age, computers and the Internet should only have made this easier. Right?

Not at all. During my years in grade school, when I was much less reliant on the computer, reading 400+ page books would be a fairly easy task. A lot has changed since then. Our lives have gotten much busier, and so as a result long-term activities became much more scarce.

I find myself reading much more short stories, blog posts, and other short forms of literature now. Technology has shortened our attention spans, while increasing the amount of content available. If you do the math, it appears that this relationship is expected.

Now I ask: what can be done to get a younger, more technology-literate generation reading again?

Leave your responses in the comments. Thank you.


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